Bob wrote a great many songs during his career. We will be adding them to this page as they become available.

Who Will Come? is the first piece Bob ever composed (1968).
Playwright Thomas Byrnes handed Bob the lyrics after listening to him playing at a seafood house in the Detroit area. Tom had written a Christmas play called The Christmas Chimes and this was one of the songs in it.
Bob wrote the music instantly. Tom loved it and Bob went on to write music for another eight songs in the play.
This is the live score version.
Contact us if you want to put this on your next Christmas concert.

Super-talented friend Pia Williams made this recording of Who Will Come? She sang both the soprano and mezzo soprano parts.
Who Will Come?
Lyrics; Tom Byrnes
Music: Robert Milne
© 1968
Who will come when Lord Jesus awakes?
Who will come when Lord Jesus awakes?
Angel choirs will come and stay by His bed,
And lift up His head when He wakes.
Who will come when the Lord Jesus cries?
Who will come when the Lord Jesus cries?
Mother Mary will come when His crying she hears,
And dry all His tears when He cries.
Who will come when Lord Jesus is cold?
Who will come when Lord Jesus is cold?
Oh, the cattle will come and warm His dear feet
With their breathing so sweet when He’s cold.
Who will come when the Lord Jesus strays?
Who will come when the Lord Jesus strays?
Saint Joseph will come, put the child on his arm,
Protect Him from harm when He strays.
Who will come when the child needs a home?
Who will come when the child needs a home?
I will come, I will come, He will dwell with me,
Joseph, Mary, all three in my home.
Joseph, Mary, all three in my home.