2nd Concert at Kennebunkport

We fired up the van and set the GPS.

Three months after our initial amazing visit to the Bush compound in Kennebunkport, our phone rang again. Word had spread around town about the America Concert. Mr. Bush wondered if we'd come back and play it for more of his friends. He added,

"Would a week from Tuesday work?"

"You betcha', Mr. Bush!

The guest house was waiting.

A view from our guest house deck towards the main house.

Bob & Linda stand in front of the guest house.

We especially loved the staghorn sumac trees (actually bushes) around the compound. Sumacs like these were all around us when we built our house in Michigan. 

A glance across the inlet. 

Mr. Bush introduces Bob to his guests.

"O.K., Bob, play us a rag. After that you know what I want to hear!"

Bob launches into the America concert. 

The concert ends with a powerful version of the Star Spangled Banner. 

It is an honor to have been invited to Kennebunkport and be able to perform here so many times. 

Famous author Patricia Cornwell and Staci Gruber were visiting at the time. 

Staghorn sumacs are among Bob's favorite flowers. Technically classified as "a small shrub or a small tree," sumacs surrounded Bob's house during his high school days. They are also present all over where Bob & Linda live today. When seen lining Mr. & Mrs. Bush's driveway, Bob simply had to go stand next to them. 

Before we left Mr. Bush asked if should take photos outside. Of course, we did.

Mr. Bush poses with Linda in their driveway. In the background, Mrs. Bush has decided to show Patsy Cornwell our van.

When she opened the rear door, a pile of dirty laundry bags fell out on her feet. Linda went running over screaming something like, "NOOoooooooo...!"

Barbara asked what these weird looking things were. (We used Walmart bags and such to wrap up dirty laundry). When Linda explained what they were, Barbara stood up straight and said, 

"Well! Let's take them inside and do them up! The laundry room is right there!"

Linda insisted we NOT do that and finally prevailed. The 1st Lady of the United States had tried to do our laundry for her guests, which relayed to us the complete graciousness and humility of George & Barbara Bush.  

Barbara Bush, George (41) Bush, Patricia Cornwell (author), Staci Gruber, Bob Milne, Linda Milne, Millie (the dog)


The above photograph once got me out of a terrible snarl at a border crossing many years ago when a Canadian customs officer demanded that I prove I was a U.S. citizen. He told me very directly that "a driver's license only tells me you're licensed to drive in Michigan. I asked you to prove you're a citizen of the United States."

Finally, in desperation, I told him I was a personal friend of the president and could prove it. I showed him this picture on my computer. 

He immediately shut down his lane and talked with me for twenty minutes about George & Barbara. He had great admiration for them. I watched cars behind me being steered into other lanes while this conversation went on. Finally, with a smile and a handshake, I was free to go.